
Our Pre-School classes have been designed to introduce children to gymnastics and movement. The emphasis is on fun in order to build both confidence and concentration. We offer a wide range of classes starting with babies from 8 weeks through to school age children.

Our aim is to use gymnastics to introduce exercise and sport in an exciting, safe and fun environment.

Our facilities and fully British Gymnastics qualified coaches ensure that are classes are fun and challenging. We encourage children to learn new skills thereby improving their confidence and self esteem.

We endeavour to build a strong foundation from which sport and exercise will continue to be a part of each child’s lives in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.

MondayCheeky Monkeys9:30-10:20
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats10:30-11:30
Bouncing Bears11:30-12:30
TuesdayCheeky Monkeys9:30-10:20
Bouncing Bears9:30-10:30
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats10:30-11:30
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats11:30-12:30
Gymability Drop-in (Additional needs)12:30-13:30
WednesdayCheeky Monkeys9:30-10:20
Bouncing Bears9:30-10:30
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats10:30-11:30
ThursdayBunny Hoppers & Top Cats9:30-10:30
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats10:30-11:30
Bouncing Bears10:30-11:30
FridayBunny Hoppers & Top Cats9:30-10:30
Bunny Hoppers & Top Cats10:30-11:30
Wild Wanderers Drop-In11:45-12:45
Bouncing Bears11:30-12:30
SaturdayWild Wanderers Drop-In8:45-9:45
Please scroll down to read our class descriptions

PAYG Sessions

Booking is advised. Please note our timetable alters during school holiday periods.

Bouncing Bears (8 weeks to walking)

This is a one hour class for babies and their parents/carer. Our sessions improve motor skills by strengthening babies muscles by exercising to music helping to develop coordination, flexibility and mind stimulation.

Mondays 11:30 – 12:30

Wednesdays 9:30 – 10:30

Thursdays 11:30 – 12:30

Fridays 11:30 – 12:30

Book Bouncing Bears

Cheeky Monkeys (Walking to 2½ years)

This is a 50 min class for children and their parents/carer which commences with warm-up songs followed by activities on specialised gymnastics apparatus. Parents/carer and child can freely explore the gym and learn to balance on planks and beams, hang and swing on the bars and lots more with our British Gymnastics qualified coaches.

Mondays 9:30 – 10:20

Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:20

Wednesdays 9:30 – 10:20

Book Cheeky Monkeys

Wild Wanderers Drop-in (Walking to 5 years)

Our popular Wild Wanderers Drop-in Stay & Play sessions for children walking to 5 years run on Fridays (11:45-12:45) and Saturdays (8:45 – 9:45). Spaces strictly limited and should be booked in advance.

Thursdays 11:45 – 12:45

Fridays 11:45 – 12:45

Saturdays 8:45 – 9:45

Book Wild Wanderers

Termly Sessions

Bunny Hoppers (2 to 3¼ years)

This is a 1 hour class to encourage parents/carer and child to work together in a structured and progressive way with the emphasis on fun. The children will learn how to jump, land, balance, swing and roll using our extensive range of specialist gymnastics equipment. Motor skills are improved using hand apparatus and movement to music is introduced to encourage each child’s rhythm and concentration.

£8.95 per Session billed in 5-8 week blocks during School Term Time plus compulsory annual British Gymnastics insurance & membership. Bookings are essential.

Top Cats (3¼ to school age)

This is a 1 hour parent/carer free class teaching children to work independently, building their confidence in a safe environment supervised by our British Gymnastics qualified coaches. Exciting circuits are set-up to further develop gymnastics skills and fitness level. These sessions provide an excellent stepping stone to one of our gymnastics programmes for school age children.

£10.44 per Session billed in 5-8 week blocks during School Term Time plus compulsory annual British Gymnastics insurance & membership. Bookings are essential.

Flying Foxes (children moving to school Sept 2025)

From January 2025 this 1 hour class is an optional opportunity offered to our Top Cat children moving up to school in September 2025

Children will learn to master the skills required and build their confidence ready to attend one of our after school programmes.

£10.44 per Session billed in 5-8 week blocks during School Term Time plus compulsory annual British Gymnastics insurance & membership. Bookings are essential.